This applied reading resource is designed to build on student knowledge and understanding, while assessing their ability to read and understand the type of written material encountered in a technical or trade training course or on the job in technical or trade positions. It is included in apprentice aptitude tests as part of the recruitment process.
This assessment activity could be presented to students during a unit on literacy development after students have completed more traditional questions. The activity could be integrated into other work enabling students to make connections with literacy and reading as per the requirements for Queensland state schools in the delivering of the curriculum.
Successful literacy development is important both for individuals, for our societies and the development of technical and trade skills, especially in the resources sector. Traditionally, the teaching of literacy was considered the responsibility of English teachers, though now curriculum specialists need to draw on a range of strategies to support students across the curriculum.
This resource examines comprehension rather than technical knowledge and is designed as a prequel, to apprentice aptitude tests.