Low Emission Energy Technologies – An Introduction


Coal & Low Emission Technology


Type of Resource

Unit of work

Year Level

Years 7-10





Energy & Renewables

Resources for



This is a teaching unit, designed for Year 10, aimed at engaging students in investigations about low emission energy sources. A unit outline, teacher guidelines, student activity and an assessment task are provided.

Educational value statement

  • The materials have been developed by the Queensland Resources Council for Queensland schools, and emphasise situations in that state.
  • The teacher guidelines and unit outline contain detailed advice on a sequence of 14 lessons, which includes assessment.
  • The student activity focuses on investigating renewable energy
  • The assessment task asks students to develop a presentation to parliament on a particular low-emission technology and includes a rubric.
  • Can be downloaded as a series of PDF or MSWord files.

Key learning objectives

  • Students compare renewable and non-renewable energy sources that produce low emissions.
  • Students explain how science and technology can contribute to the problem of carbon dioxide emissions
  • Students assess the advantages and disadvantages of low emission energy technologies
  • Students use models to describe how energy is transferred and transformed within a power generating system.


  • Science Understanding: Chemical sciences; Earth and space sciences; Physical sciences
  • Science as a Human Endeavour: Use and influence of science.